Housing, employment, and homelessness are major concerns for your district representatives.
Housing, employment, and homelessness are major concerns for your district representatives.
City Auditor’s Office – City of Atlanta FY2024 Budget
The City Auditor’s Office conducts audits to assess whether City activities and programs comply with applicable laws and regulations, achieve intended outcomes and benefits, use resources economically and efficiently, and operate with adequate systems of internal control.
The office had their budget briefing on Tuesday, May 17, 2023, at 2:30pm. (video | slides)
The total proposed operating budget for the City Auditor’s Office is $3,763,747. This is a decrease of $142,052 (-4%) from the previous year. The number of authorized positions (jobs) is proposed to increase from 17 to 18 (+6%).
FY2023 Proposed Budget Book – City Auditor’s Office
The Atlanta City Council’s Finance/Executive Committee has jurisdiction over the City Auditor’s Office.
Here’s what you should know about the process, the City Council’s priorities, and how you can weigh in.
The Atlanta Police Department is asking for $235 million to be included in next year’s budget to combat rising crime, hire new cops, and stave off the exodus of officers fleeing for better-paying jobs in the suburbs.
Mayor Dickens has pledged to prioritize affordable housing, infrastructure and safety. Does the new budget line up with his claims?
This story is part of an #ATLBudget series, in partnership with local Atlanta newsrooms.
The city’s 2023 budget will be decided in June. Find out how to weigh in — and why you should.