news article

Why Council Members Are Challenging Dickens Over Proposed Transportation Funding Cut

The plan would decrease the department’s funding by more than $7 million and cut its employee ranks by three amid a years-long backlog of road projects.

news article

Some Key Line Items Are Missing From the Atlanta Budget. Where Did They Go?

In the past, the public had access to specific info on exactly how each department planned to use taxpayer funds.

news article

What We Learned From Atlanta Police’s Proposed Budget Presentation

Chief Darin Schierbaum laid out his department’s top priorities for the proposed $247 million in funding.

news article

Does Atlanta’s proposed FY24 budget underfund its affordable housing trust?

news article

What You Should Know About the Largest Proposed Budget in Atlanta History

Dickens’ record $790 million general fund would add a cost-of-living adjustment for city employees for the second consecutive year.

news article

When and Where to Weigh In on the Latest City Budget

The process of finalizing what Atlanta will do with your tax dollars starts this week.

news article

What City Council Said Before Atlanta Released Its Largest Proposed Budget Ever

Housing, employment, and homelessness are major concerns for your district representatives.

departmental budget


The City Auditor’s Office conducts audits to assess whether City activities and programs comply with applicable laws and regulations, achieve intended outcomes and benefits, use resources economically and efficiently, and operate with adequate systems of internal control.

The office had their budget briefing on Tuesday, May 17, 2023, at 2:30pm. (video | slides)

The total proposed operating budget for the City Auditor’s Office is $3,763,747. This is a decrease of $142,052 (-4%) from the previous year. The number of authorized positions (jobs) is proposed to increase from 17 to 18 (+6%).

FY2023 Proposed Budget Book – City Auditor’s Office

The Atlanta City Council’s Finance/Executive Committee has jurisdiction over the City Auditor’s Office.