Enterprise Asset Management

The Department of Enterprise Asset Management maintains the City’s real estate and physical assets, currently at 126 facilities comprising of 4.2 million square feet.

Budget Overview

The total proposed operating budget for Department of Enterprise Asset Management is $19,974,756. This is an increase of $3,606,919 (+18.1%) from the previous year. The number of authorized positions (jobs) is proposed to increase from 101 to 156 (+54.5%).

FY2025 Proposed Budget Book – Department of Enterprise Asset Management

Budget Briefing

The department had its FY2025 budget briefing on Thursday, May 2, 2024, at 10:00am.

Budget Briefing: Department of Enterprise Asset Management – 05/02/24 10:00am

Committee of Purview

The Atlanta City Council’s Finance/Executive Committee has jurisdiction over the Department of Enterprise Asset Management.

Finance/Executive Committee