Watershed Management

The Department of Watershed Management provides drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater services to residential, business, and wholesale customers protecting urban waterways and regional water resources.

Budget Overview

The total proposed operating budget for the Department of Watershed Management is $319,458,331. This is an increase of $37,494,525 (+11.7%) from the previous year. The number of authorized positions (jobs) is proposed to decrease from 1,329 to 1,305 (-1.8%).

FY2025 Proposed Budget Book – Department of Watershed Management

Budget Briefing

The department had its FY2025 budget briefing on Wednesday, May 7, 2024, at 11:00am.

Budget Briefing: Department of Watershed Management – 05/07/24

Committee of Purview

The Atlanta City Council’s City Utilities Committee has jurisdiction over the Department of Watershed Management.

City Utilities Committee