
The Department of Procurement is responsible for providing guidance in the purchasing of all goods and services according to the City Code of Ordinances. The department is directly responsible for the purchasing of commodities, services, and construction for all departments and agencies for amounts greater than the petty cash limit.

Budget Overview

The total proposed operating budget for Department of Procurement is $6,913,610. This is an increase of $599,149 (+8.7%) from the previous year. The number of authorized positions (jobs) is proposed to increase from 81 to 97 (+19.8%).

FY2025 Proposed Budget Book – Department of Procurement

Budget Briefing

The department had its FY2025 budget briefing on Wednesday, May 8 at 2:00pm.

Budget Briefing: Department of Procurement – 05/08/24

Committee of Purview

The Atlanta City Council’s Finance/Executive Committee has jurisdiction over the Department of Procurement.

Finance/Executive Committee