
The City Auditor’s Office conducts audits to assess whether City activities and programs comply with applicable laws and regulations, achieve intended outcomes and benefits, use resources economically and efficiently, and operate with adequate systems of internal control.

Budget Overview

The proposed general fund operating budget for the City Auditor’s Office is $3,723,979. This is an increase of $16,790 (+0.5%) from the previous year. The number of authorized positions (jobs) is proposed to decrease from 19 to 18 (-5.3%).

FY2025 Proposed Budget Book – City Auditor’s Office

Budget Briefing

The office had its FY2025 budget briefing on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, at 11:30am.

Budget Briefing: City Auditor’s Office – 05/21/24

Committee of Purview

The Atlanta City Council’s Finance/Executive Committee has jurisdiction over the City Auditor’s Office.

Finance/Executive Committee